I have begun to do my research into to what will be the election battle between Tammy Baldwin and Eric Hovde.

Hovde is a billionaire who started right off the bat stating he was rich and would put 20 million dollars of his own money into the campaign. He has lived in Washington for 24 yrs and lastly ended up in Laguna Beach, California.

He rented out his Washington house to his brother and has a house in Wisconsin he is touting as his primary residence. He has gone on record as wanting to privatize medicare and abolish the affordable care act. Leaving out millions of people in the cold having to buy cheap non effective insurances, if these will even be available.

He has stated strongly, people need to work and better themselves without any social agencies, child care etc… He has called Tammy Baldwin a communist and a Marxist, starting the negative drive of his run. He has never won an election, losing to the past Gov. Walker when running for the Senate. He has the backing of Trump and McConnell.

He owns four banks at least one in Wisconsin. He profited immensely from the 25% tax break which Trump ordered for all billionaires when he first was elected president. There is no doubt he will follow all the Trump rules becoming an Oligarch of sorts, which is the current system in Russia which Trump finds endearing.

Tammy has done a wondrous job in navigating both parties in order to get things done for Wisconsin. She is one of the few who have actually had success in limiting big pharmas, to lower their prices, and currently is working on having the gouging laws apply to medications sold. Is this how we do it in Wisconsin these days, a rich person announces he has $20 million lying around and he just decided to get elected? Do you want our state to be run by Trump appointed billionaire’s?


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